MKWC Plants Crew- A Whole New Meaning to the Word "Growth"

This year MKWC's invasive plants crew grew substantially, employing local people in both Happy Camp and Orleans. The crew  worked longer and harder than ever. We treated 635 sites this year totaling 272 acres, manually removing 360,878 total plants! On average, we removed 88% of the invasive species at a site, and at 418 sites we removed 100% of the invasive species. Species removed included  Dyers Woad, Meadow Knapweed,  Spotted Knapweed, Diffuse Knapweed, Canada Thistle, Italian Thistle, Plumeless Thistle, Musk Thistle, Cheat Grass, Leafy Spurge, Oblong Spurge, Dalmatian Toadflax, Foxglove,  French Broom, Scotch Broom, Spanish Broom, Himalayan Blackberry, Medusahead, Mullein, Sweet Clover, Perennial Pepperweed, Puncture Vine, Sulphur Cinquefoil, and Yellow Starthistle.               
Below we have attached some photos from this past season. Enjoy some photos from some of our projects this past season.

MKWC Plants Crew at Beaver Creek Ponds

Weeds pulled at Norcross

Isatis tinctoria weed pulled by Sam on China Peak Road

China Peak Road before plants crew work

East Fork Ridge Road after plants crew put in their work

Johnson Hunting Ground with plants crew after clearing invasive species

Lower Ukonom Road dozer line

Putting in work at Tishaniik

Steep terrain work on Lower Ukonom Road

Simone and her helping friend get work done on Pearch Creek

Plants Crew at Cade Creek

West Sims Gulch