Get Involved

Let’s work together for a more sustainable Watershed


 Support Our Work

As a non-profit, our work is funded by a combination of grants, fundraisers, and donations. Without this generous support, MKWC would not be possible. By making a cash donation, volunteering your time, or donating an item for a fundraiser, you are helping us fulfill our mission.

Employment & Contracts

WE support, train, and increase our local workforce to develop a healthy local economy

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Job Openings

No current openings

Please submit a job application and resume (if applicable) by email to, or by mail to: PO Box 409, Orleans, CA 95556, or in person to 38150 CA-96, Orleans, CA 95556.

Requests for Bids/Contracts


Are you a contractor interested in receiving more information about open Requests for Bids and Contracts? Sign up!


 Already Doing Restoration Work?

We want to KNOW!

Fuels Reduction Tracking

Please use this form to tell us about any work you have done to make your home or neighborhood more fire safe.


Invasive Plant Removal Tracking

Please use this form to tell us about any invasive plant removal work you have done at your home or in the community.


We rely on volunteers to achieve our mission


Interested in volunteering?

  • Check out our Events Calendar for upcoming volunteer days.

  • Sign up for monthly Klamath Waypoint email list below.

  • Contact us about volunteer opportunities.


 Visiting the Klamath?

Are you a group visiting the river and wanting to organize a presentation or field trip with MKWC Staff? Please fill out this form so we can best respond to your request.