Our Programs
Fire & Forestry
Community & Stewardship
Our Partners
The Mid Klamath Watershed Council acknowledges that we live and work on Indigenous land. While the majority of MKWC’s work takes place on the ancestral lands of the Karuk, Shasta, and Yurok people, we also have projects on Hupa, Modoc, Konomihu, and Tsnungwe people’s ancestral lands. The Indigenous peoples of the Klamath basin are stewards of these lands and waters and have been since time immemorial. Indigenous peoples will continue to steward this place for future generations.
MKWC strives to support Indigenous groups and community members through: collaboration with diverse stakeholders, promotion of community vitality, and involvement of the people in land stewardship.
MKWC works collaboratively with partners to restore and sustain a resilient Klamath watershed, economy, and community. A key MKWC goal is to facilitate and support holistic restoration of the natural and cultural resources of the Klamath watershed, including aquatic, riparian and upslope habitats. To meet this goal, MKWC 1) develops and maintains partnerships with other groups and agencies, 2) creates collaborative, strategic, ecological restoration plans, 3) engages with partners to integrate MKWCs mission and goals into their plans, 4) promotes dialog between diverse interested parties to increase understanding, establish common ground, and create collaborative solutions. MKWC is a core partner in the Western Klamath Restoration Partnership, a collaborative land and fire management effort between Tribal, Federal, and Non-Governmental (NGO) stakeholders in the Western Klamath Mountains of Northern California.
MKWC works closely with regional partners:
Additional Partners:
Lomakatsi Restoration Project
Mary A. Crocker Trust
North State Community Foundation
National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
National Forest Foundation
North Coast Resource Partnership
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District
Siskiyou Resource Conservation District
Salmon River Fire Safe Council
Somes Bar Arts Council
The Nature Conservancy
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
University of California Berkeley
University of California Davis
Yurok Tribe
Bella Vista Foundation
Bigfoot Trail Alliance
California Coastal Conservancy
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
California Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
California Fire Foundation
California Fire Safe Council
Trees Foundation
County of Humboldt
County of Siskiyou
Environmental Protection Information Center
First 5 Humboldt
Harper Family Foundation
Humboldt State University
Tides Foundation
Jewish Community Federation
Klamath Forest Alliance
Krall Giving Fund