2024 Klamath River Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (KTREX) Photos
The Western Klamath Restoration Partnership, including the Mid Klamath Watershed Council, Karuk Tribe, Salmon River Restoration Council, and regional partners executed multiple prescribed burns on private lands again this fall, (Late September to Early October). This special event was the Klamath River Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (KTREX). This was the 11th consecutive year in this area. The effort had numerous goals, but most importantly, to protect private property, enhance forest resources and help build long term community wildfire protection. We look forward to future efforts like this and many more years of putting good fire on the ground. Thank you to everyone who supported these burns. Photos below are from this year’s KTREX. Photo credits- Stormy Staats.
KTREX Participants gather for a briefing before the burn.
Pump operator alongside his type 3 engine and 20,000 gallon tank of water.
Klamath TREX participants along side a 20,000 gallon holding tank after Wednesday's Bacon Flat burn.
Piling brush in preparation for burning.
Engine rolls passes by two units where black berries burned.
Lighters stand in front of a "jack pot" of fuels burning.
Firing Boss provides his lighting team with information and advise before the burn.