The Mid Klamath Watershed Council collaboratively coordinates ecosystem restoration, promotes innovative policy and community vitality, and involves people in land stewardship.


Giving Season

Your help keeps us coordinating collaborative watershed restoration in one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. Support healthy ecosystems, economies and communities in the Mid Klamath region this giving season.

Annual Report 2023

Learn about the work accomplished by MKWC and partners in 2023. Read about our approach to fisheries restoration, fuels reduction, invasive plant removal, community involvement, and more.

March klamath waypoint

2024 MKWC Admin Dept Brief, Employee Appreciation Day, Scholarship Opportunities, Community Gatherings, Spring Planting and More!

Our Programs




Fire & Forestry




Community & Stewardship

Our Approach

Since 2001…

The Mid Klamath Watershed Council (MKWC) has been working with community partners to restore the threatened Klamath River in Northern California and the upslope habitats upon which the river depends. We are for a “Living and Working Watershed”.

Our programs in the Middle Klamath subbasin include Fire and Forestry, Fisheries, Plants, and Community and Stewardship. We leverage state, federal, and private grant funding, combined with community partnership and volunteerism to accomplish high-value and low-cost restoration actions throughout the Middle Klamath subbasin.

The mission of MKWC is to collaboratively coordinate ecosystem restoration, promote innovative policy and community vitality, and involve people in land stewardship.

We envision the diverse communities of the Klamath Basin working together to restore and sustain a resilient watershed, economy, and community.

To make this vision a reality, we focus on three main goals:

1. Facilitate and support holistic restoration of the natural and cultural resources of the Klamath watershed, including aquatic, riparian and upslope habitats.

2. Increase understanding of, and inspire action in, the Klamath River region and beyond.

3. Promote community resilience by encouraging cultural and economic activities that sustain our natural resources.

 Klamath Waypoint Blog

The official blog of the mid klamath watershed council


Where we work…

Orleans Office
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
(530) 627-3202
Fax: (530) 517-6063

Mailing: PO Box 409
Physical: 38150 Highway 96
Orleans, CA 95556

Happy Camp Office
Open by appointment
(530) 493-5100
Fax: (530) 517-6063

Mailing: PO Box 50
Physical: 64012 Hillside Road
Happy Camp, CA 96039

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