Community and TREX Participants Dine Together at MKWC

After two years of COVID precautions, the Panamnik Building hosted our first community dinner this July, followed by a September dinner coordinated by Women’s TREX, and a third one in October during the Klamath TREX event. During this last October dinner event, amidst burgers, brauts and brownies, local folks and TREX participants connected and informal discussions on fire and burning in the Klamath Mountains abounded. Our local Somes Bar band, Hidden River Collective, played for several hours while folks enjoyed the brews donated by Mad River Brewery and It’s Alive Kombucha. Many people volunteered their time to help out, cooking, prepping food, taking $, serving food, cleaning up and bartending. A good time was had by all as the event stretched well beyond closing time. Having the community come together again was refreshing and fun! Due to our building remodel we will not be hosting our Annual Banquet and Auction in December but we hope to host more outdoor community events in 2023.