Exercise Class Sign-In and Release of Liability

By signing in below, I agree to the following:

I hereby state that I wish to participate in fitness classes offered at the MKWC community space (Panamnik Building). 

In consideration of, and as part payment for the right to participate in the fitness classes offered, I agree to RELEASE, HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY the fitness instructor and MKWC, including its members, from any and all liability, claims and causes of action arising out of or in any way connected with my participation, or the participation of any minor that I am signing on behalf of. This includes but is not limited to all liability claims and causes of action in any way connected to property owned by MKWC, its employees, members, agents, and or volunteers. 

I personally assume all risks in connection with these activities. If I am signing on behalf of a minor, I further agree to HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY the fitness instructor and MKWC, including its members from all liability, claims and causes of action which the minor may have arising from the minor’s participation in activities. 

The terms of this agreement shall serve as a release and indemnity agreement for any personal representative(s), and for all members of my family and the Mid Klamath Watershed Council Organization. Parents or legal guardians must sign for all persons under eighteen (18) years of age.